Wednesday 14 June 2017


The .NET Framework designers separated the framework into two parts, namely 
  1.       Common Language Runtime(CLR)
  2.       Framework Class Library(FCL) 

The CLR handles code execution and all of the tasks associated with it: compilation, memory management, security, thread management, and enforcement of type safety and use. Code that runs under the CLR is referred to as managed code. This is to distinguish it from unmanaged code that does not implement the requirements to run in the CLR—such as COM or Windows API based components.

The Framework Class Library is a reusable code library of types (classes, structures, and so on) available to applications running under .NET. The FCL includes the classes for database access, graphics, security, and both Web and Windows forms. All languages that target the .NET Framework use this common class library. 

Common Language Runtime
The Common Language Runtime manages the entire life cycle of an application: it locates code, compiles it, loads associated classes, manages its execution, and ensures automatic memory management. Moreover, it supports cross language integration to permit code generated by different languages to interact seamlessly.

Compiling .NET Code 

Compilers that are compliant with the CLR generate code that is targeted for the runtime. This code, known variously as Common Intermediate Language (CIL), Intermediate Language (IL), or Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), is an assembler-type language that is packaged in an EXE or DLL file. These are not standard executable files and require that the runtime's Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler convert the IL in them to a machine-specific code when an application actually runs. Because the Common Language Runtime is responsible for managing this IL, the code is known as managed code.  The following figure shows the CLR functions:

The CLR does not know in which language an application is created.  Its interaction is with the language-independent IL.  So the output of one compiler can be integrated with the code produced by a different compiler.  The JIT compiler actually creates the machine code. The IL produced on one platform can be run on any other platform that has its own framework and a JIT compiler that emits its own machine code. 
The compiler producing IL must emit metadata into every code module. The metadata is a set of tables that allows each code module to be self-descriptive. The tables contain information about the assembly containing the code, as well as a full description of the code itself. This information includes what types are available, the name of each type, type members, the scope or visibility of the type, and any other type features. Metadata has many uses:
  •          The JIT compiler gathers all the type information it needs for compiling directly from the metacode.  For example, the JIT ensures that a method is called correctly by comparing the calling parameters with those defined in the method's metadata.

  •           Metadata is used in the Garbage Collection process (memory management). The garbage collector (GC) uses metadata to know when fields within an object refer to other objects so that the GC can determine what objects can and can't have their memory reclaimed.

  •          .NET provides a set of classes that provide the functionality to read metadata from within a program. This functionality is known collectively as reflection. It is a powerful feature that permits a program to query the code at runtime and make decisions based on its discovery. As we will see later in the book, it is the key to working with custom attributes, which are a C#-supported construct for adding custom metadata to a program. 

Framework Class Library

 The Framework Class Library (FCL) is a collection of classes and other types (enumerations, structures, and interfaces) that are available to managed code written in any language.  The resources within the FCL are organized into logical groupings called namespaces. For example, types used for graphical operations are grouped into the System.Drawing and System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespaces; types required for file I/O are members of the System.IO namespace.  

The FCL comprises hundreds of assemblies (DLLs), and each assembly may contain multiple namespaces. In addition, a namespace may span multiple assemblies.   The following figure shows the namespaces and types that comprise an assembly  

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