Wednesday 14 June 2017


The most valuable feature of the .NET Framework is its capability to work with different languages and even to perform the cross-language options. This means the .NET developer can use different languages in his work and still the application will be solid and reliable.  

Visual Basic .NET

 With Visual Basic you can build .NET applications, including Web services quickly and easily. Applications made with Visual Basic are built on the services of the common language runtime and take advantage of the .NET Framework.
Visual Basic is a powerful object-oriented programming language. Visual Basic fully integrates the .NET Framework and the common language runtime, which together provide language interoperability, garbage collection, enhanced security, and improved versioning support. It supports single inheritance.


Visual C# .NET

C# is a simple, elegant, type-safe, object-oriented language. C# is designed to bring rapid development to the C++ programmer without sacrificing the power and control that are a hallmark of C and C++. Because of this heritage, C# has a high degree of fidelity with C and C++, and developers familiar with these languages can quickly become productive in C#.C# simplifies and modernizes some of the more complex aspects of C and C++, notably namespaces, classes, enumerations, overloading, and structured exception handling. C# also eliminates C and C++ features such as macros, multiple inheritance, and virtual base classes.

For more information, see Visual C# Standard Edition Features and C# Language Tour.

Visual Basic and C# provides prototypes of some common project types, including:
  • Windows Application.
  • Class Library.
  • Windows Control Library.
  • ASP.NET Web Application.
  • ASP.NET Web Service.
  • Web Control Library.
  • Console Application.
  • Windows Service.


 Transact-SQL is the native language for storing, modifying, and retrieving information in Microsoft SQL Server relational databases. You can also use Transact-SQL to create databases and any of the objects stored in a database, such as tables, columns, triggers, keys, indexes, views, stored procedures, and functions. Transact-SQL is fully supported in the Visual Studio editor and in the designers provided with Visual Database Tools.

Note :  Visual Database Tools can also connect to an Oracle database. When you are using an Oracle database, Visual Database Tools correctly handle Oracle-specific SQL syntax

Scripting Languages


Microsoft JScript is designed for Web page scripting .It is object-based scripting language that processes source code embedded directly in HTML pages. JScript runs on both Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
JScript is a loosely typed language. Loosely typed means you do not have to declare the data types of variables explicitly. Moreover, in many cases JScript performs conversions automatically when needed. For instance, if you add a number to an item consisting of text (a string), the number is converted to text.
For more information, see JScript.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

 XML provides a format for describing structured data that allows for precise declarations of content and useful search results across multiple platforms. XML defines information and data according to purpose rather than presentation so that several applications can use the information and data in ways that promote diverse application reuse and extensibility. XML is an increasingly important meta-markup language that is convenient for use on the Internet.  XML is an excellent way to describe information. XML's strength lies partly in its ability to separate the user interface from data being displayed, thus allowing the cross-platform performance noted earlier.
In distributed application architecture, XML messaging allows data to easily move through firewalls and between heterogeneous systems using standard transport mechanisms. Whatever your application requires — importing, exporting, data interchange, interoperability with other applications,, parsing, modifying, data access, data storage — XML is an easily used data exchange format.
For more information, see XML in Visual Studio.

Apart from the above mentioned languages, .Net supports many other programming languages like python, etc.

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